So, here endeth my Egyptian blogging adventure. A journey that started 9 months and 25 posts ago has come to its end. Where to go from here?

I arrived back in the UK safe and sound, being picked up by Kit and Elli and whisked to the nearest pub for some pork and some proper beer. This week has worked out really nicely; I got to spend last weekend with Kit and Elli, the week with my family and my granddads (?) in Shropshire, and then Friday and Saturday with my Laura and my other friends from OneUp/SUbmerge. I've not really had time to miss Egypt or Alex, writing this piece, right now, is the most I've thought about being away from the Middle East. The most I've missed it. Happily, I only have another busy week with my family and Uni friends and various enormous parties before my next adventure begins. I can't overstate how much I'm looking forward to the summer and next year in Manchester.

So, back to my question. To quote Evia: "Where do we go from here?" Writing on here, whilst not as frequent as I might have liked, is something I have hugely enjoyed and will provide a good personal set of memoirs. I feel loathe to give up this writing malarchy, so I would very much like to begin a new blog. With this post I hereby close Tom In Egypt and open Jumbled Notes, a non-destination or subject specific blog that I reserve the right to update with my usual erratic frequency. So, with one fell swoop I say goodbye to Tom In Egypt (for now at least, were I to return in the near future it would be folly to rule out a dramatic Take That-like return) and hello to Jumbled Notes.

Finally I would like to thank you, Mr. and Mrs. Reader for following what's been going on whilst I've been away, thank you for all the comments, emails and Facebook messages; they've meant a lot. I dearly hope to see you all again in the not too distant future.

Love, peace, hello and goodbye.


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