Here are sites and blogs I read regularly and would recommend to anyone, particularly those interested in Egypt or the Middle East.

Bikya Masr - breaking through the clutter of Egyptian news
SON OF A DUCK - an orientalist's observations in Egypt
The Arabist - a website on Arab politics and culture
Syria News Wire - fresh, independent news from the streets of Damascus and beyond
Informed Comment - thoughts on the Middle East, history and religion
Dormir Debout - thoughts of a student of old Iranian languages at SOAS
THE BOURSA EXCHANGE - a comment on daily life in downtown Cairo
Saudi Jeans - news, commentary, and personal views on political and social issues in Saudi Arabia
Abu Aardvark - comment on Middle Eastern affairs
At War (NYT) - notes from the front line (formerly Baghdad Bureau)
Qifa Nabki - [NEW ADDITION]  A Lebanese political blog (awesome comment on Lebanese politics)
Emad Maher's Photoblog - [NEW ADDITION] beautiful, beautiful photos from Alexandria
Hummus Nation - [NEW ADDITION] A humourous take on Lebanese affairs
Al-Masri Al-Yum - [NEW ADDITION] From the creators of Boursa Exchange, a Cairo food blog with a genius title


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