Here are sites and blogs I read regularly and would recommend to anyone, particularly those interested in Egypt or the Middle East.

Bikya Masr - breaking through the clutter of Egyptian news
SON OF A DUCK - an orientalist's observations in Egypt
The Arabist - a website on Arab politics and culture
Syria News Wire - fresh, independent news from the streets of Damascus and beyond
Informed Comment - thoughts on the Middle East, history and religion
Dormir Debout - thoughts of a student of old Iranian languages at SOAS
THE BOURSA EXCHANGE - a comment on daily life in downtown Cairo
Saudi Jeans - news, commentary, and personal views on political and social issues in Saudi Arabia
Abu Aardvark - comment on Middle Eastern affairs
At War (NYT) - notes from the front line (formerly Baghdad Bureau)

Tom Trewinnard is a graduate of the University of Manchester (Middle Eastern and Modern European Languages) currently living in Cairo, working as English Language Editor of the Arab-West Report, content producer, contributor to Bikya Masr, freelance copy editor, and English teacher.

"El Rumi" refers not to the poet but to the pepper, my stature apparently suffering by comparison to that of another Tom "El Tawil" (Tall Tom).

Tom is contactable via:


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