After spending a few quiet days outside Nuweiba on a beautiful sandy beach (Softbeach, last post), we decided that it was really getting a little too warm to be sleeping without AC and headed to Dahab - Sharm's slightly less tacky and quiter little sister an hour or so up the coast. Dahab is a wonderful little town. Yes it's touristy and yes some things are a little more expensive than they would be elsewhere in Egypt, but generally it's an excellent place to lie down next to the sea in an open air cafe and enjoy some good sea food and sheesha and not really do very much. So, for the last couple of days that is all we've done (along with a touch of obligatory snorkelling of course). Tonight I'm hoping to catch the Spurs match and then it's back on the road, and we have a 9 hour overnight bus ride back to Cairo to look forward to, followed by a Meedan shift and teaching at the Coptic Cathedral tomorrow. This last week has been just what the doctor ordered though, definitley worth the horrible bus rides.


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