For the first time since arriving in Egypt, I now have reliable access to wireless in my place of residence. Gone are the days of sharing a cable so worn that it has to be combined with a screwdriver to connect to my laptop. Andrea and I have, after much to-ing and fro-ing over the decision, moved to a new apartment. Charming as the old place was, the noise from the "samkaree" on the street below as he vainly pounded at already-battered old cars was starting to send us both slightly crazy, and after a minor brawl on the street outside we decided it was time to go. Thankfully the landlord, a true gentleman, was happy to return our deposit to us, allowing us to look for another place. A couple of days and a quick flat search later we moved into the new place, which is considerably larger, with WiFi and a washing machine for the same price. All in all a good deal I'm sure you'll agree. The flat itself is looking good, decorated with Egyptian movie posters (some classy, some not-so) I'm rushing a little at the moment so no pics as yet, but soon I promise.

Tonight we're off on the overnight bus for a beach holiday in Sinai - think £3 a night hut on the beach. This is a trip that was planned for last week but had been postponed due to the move, which means that it will in fact be a working holiday for me, as I continue posting events at Meedan. That's the wonderful thing about working online: so long as I have internet I can work wherever I please.

All for now, next update from Softbeach!

1 Comment:

  1. Lasto adri *Blue* said...
    Great!.. enjoy your new flat and the beach :)

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