So I'm reliably informed by my beautiful Facebook Countdown application that it is precisely 31 days 23 hours and 18 minutes until I bid "Adieu" to this green and pleasant land, and it seems like an appropriate time for an update.

Last week was OneUp, which was completely amazing in every way, as I'm sure many of you will agree. For those who weren't there/don't know what I'm on about, OneUp is the Scripture Union camp I help on for 11-14yr olds for a week every summer in Salisbury. It's invariably a brilliant but exhausting week. Having arrived back at about 18:30 and after saying some difficult goodbyes, I was shattered and went to the chippy. Today (Sunday) I start the next leg of the busiest summer in Tom's history as I jump on a train (First Class, no less) to London for a month in the Civil Service. Not too sure what I'm doing there yet, apparently I will find out in good time, I start at 9.00 tomorrow....

Still looking forward to Egypt, it's hard to think that far ahead at the moment as I still have the placement and a possible/probable trip to Nice before I go, but I've had my jabs and made some inquiries about getting a guitar out there.

Regards to all, not too sure there's going to be any updates whilst I'm in London, but I'm planning one for the night before the Big Journey.

Adios & God Bless,



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