Back from Dahab after a long and uncomfortable journey on a minibus with a shouty policeman and a driver who had never been to and had no idea where Alex was. 9 hours of unadulterated fun. Once again I feel I must apologise for the lack of photos. I'm all too aware that I'm getting textually heavy and after some criticism about my style (mainly from my own dearest mother) I would have liked to break up the blog with some nice visuals but the internet is still lacking here and, in fairness, I've not taken too many pictures of late. There's always room for improvement!

Back into university on Monday I got my results from the mid-term exams I sat before my oh-so-strenuous week on the Red Sea. I'm very pleased and have been moved up a level, although I'm not too sure what this means as quite a few of us have moved up and most of the group above has moved down: along with many other things Egypt may need to work on it's concept of streaming. Tomorrow will be my first day in my new(ish) class, so I'll have more idea about what the new level is going to involve and maybe, just maybe, I'll let y'all know in the next week or so.

Last night I started back at training and was somewhat rusty, once again I'm blaming Dahab. No matter, I'm in the team to play in Cairo on Friday. Prayer would be much appreciated!

In other news, my housemate Tom and I have decided to solve the problems we've been having with the flat (see earlier posts re: irate neighbour, floods and droughts) by moving out. Alas to where we do not yet know, but there are some enormously helpful people looking around for us and hopefully we'll be sorted before the end of the week, although this may be an optimistic estimate. Really we'd just like to live somewhere that works, as although what we're paying here is cheap by UK standards, it certainly isn't by Egyptian standards. I wouldn't mind this if we had everything functioning as it should, but after a visit to one of the Germans very swish pad for a party last week I reckon we could do much better for the money! هنشوف - We'll see!

More soon - providing I still have both arms intact after Friday and am thus still able to type - hopefully avec photos.

توم xxx

NB. For the Arabic speaking literati amongst you, you may have noticed that after much pressure and yet more chastisement I have replaced the apparently offensive "توم في المصر " with "توم في مصر ". Yes I knew it was there it's just taken a while to get around to changing it. Tsk, there's no pleasing some people!


  1. Anonymous said...
    Now I want to know what the offensive words were!
    kamikaze said...
    Nothing offensive to anyone who isn't something of an Arabic grammar fiend, just a careless erroneous use of the definite article...
    Anonymous said...
    Well written article.

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