My gear ready for lift-off
I remember a similar feeling before I started Uni, like I’m breathing air heavy with nervous excitement or hopeful anxiety. Then, as now, there was little more to do than sit, think and pray. I feel like I should have some poignant background music like they always have in shit teen-dramas like The OC. I don’t think my boy Justin (see below) can help me out here, I need something acoustic yet uplifting. Answers on a postcard, I’m going with Get Cape Wear Cape Fly – Once More with Feeling (I hope I don’t get arrested on arrival for breaking copyright law with the YouTube vid).
The next time I write I will be in Egypt, and I’m not sure yet how this change in city, country and continent will affect things. Will it be like the difference between writing in Manchester and London? Like the difference between writing when tired or when full of energy? Like the difference between writing when in a relationship or when single? Change is an odd thing, sometimes what seem like the smallest changes can have the most profound impact in the grand scheme of things. Only time will tell the impact of my time and experiences in Egypt.
Ooh, deep. Please send the cheque from the Pullitzer to my UK address, for any publishers reading this I won’t take anything less than a tenner for the movie rights. Goodbye Britain and all who sail in her! In the words of the Foo Fighters: “I’ll be coming home next year.”
Tom xx
Can you guess who it is yet?
Good Luck and have fun....
enjoy yourself mate ... it's not often I have friends in far away places.