Here are links to a couple of new pieces I've written and had published on Bikya Masr.

Egypt: Kefaya distances itself from Gamal supporter

CAIRO: Egypt’s Kefaya opposition movement has distanced itself from remarks made by founding member, Dr. Hany Anan. Speaking on Egyptian television channel O-TV last week, Anan stated that he would support Gamal Mubarak, the son and likely successor to Hosni Mubarak, as a presidential candidate on the condition that he agreed to abolish article 77 of the Egyptian Constitution, which allows presidents to hold unlimited consecutive terms in power. (Click here to read more of this article)

Egypt: American University enters Swine flu scare, suspends classes
CAIRO: The American University in Cairo has announced that classes will be suspended starting from tomorrow until October 3. The move comes as part of a bid to prevent a new outbreak of H1N1, Swine flu, in Egypt, and follows the Egyptian government’s postponing the start of the academic year in public schools and universities. (Click here to read more of this article)

Sadly, (or happily, she can't decide) this second piece of news means that Andrea has another enforced break from CASA due to swine flu. This gives her more time to do the reading she needs to finish (lots and lots) but I'm sure it's an annoying break in momentum. I just hope for everyone on the programme's sake that rumours about the academic year being pushed further back turn out to be just rumours.


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