Seasonal greetings from Cairo: "Happy Thanksgiving" to those Americans amongst you (yes yes, for yesterday I know), "Eid Mubarak" to my Muslim readers, and a mixture of the two for those who are lucky enough to be both!

This year Thanksgiving and Eid al-Adha have fallen in the same week, so there are plenty of festivities and a nice couple of days off work. I have to confess to being something of a novice at the Thanksgiving part of the holiday, but I was given a great introduction by the CASA fellows at Rebecca's Zamalek apartment last night. A veritable feast, turkey and cranberry sauce included, was provided by the 35 or so attendees and the hosts and a good time was had by all! Andrea was particularly pleased that her stuffing was so well received (real pork, that's the trick), and we even managed to come away with some leftovers, which will be breakfast for the foreseeable future.

Andrea's stuffing, available with or without pig

I plan to write about Eid in more depth later today or tomorrow, but right now, there is a LOT of washing up to do, so I'll leave you with two excellent articles:

Thanksgiving: a displaced Brit writes... - Funny and accurate, a Brit who has moved to the US gives thanks for things in his new country.

Gobble Gobble: Thanksgiving in Egypt - ETC and Bikya colleague Andrew Cornetta writes about Thanksgiving in Egypt and the shared celebration with Eid.


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