It appears that the title of my last post was wistfully inaccurate. I've only just seen this and spoken to Clarabelle (a Zamalek resident), so I'm perhaps not best placed to comment at the moment, except to say that this has shocked me almost to the point of disbelief. Here are some pictures from Khaled Zohny's Facebook page (apologies in advance for any copyright infringement):


This, ladies and gentlemen, is Zamalek - Cairo's wealthy, quiet and leafy district. It's also home to the Algerian embassy, hence being the target of such madness. I'm also not entirely sure how such a riot was allowed to take place. If it had been in support of democracy, human rights, or Palestine, rest assured it would never have been allowed to reach the levels these pictures (corroborated by my conversation with Clare) suggest.

Reports also continue to emerge that Egypt has withdrawn it's ambassador to Algeria, that Algerian fans have been attacking Egyptians both in Sudan and Algeria, that Egyptian firm Orascom has been charged $600 million for overdue taxes in Algeria (only discovered this week). Madness.

"Football is not just a matter of life and death: It's much more important than that" - Bill Shankly


  1. hichamhelmy said...
    ur articles are extremely good and I enjoy reading them. I think u've got a bright future in journalism and u'll be a great journalist one day so mark my words :)
    lina said...
    no! Egyptians didn't start Algerians
    are the people who started from the begging by not letting the player to sleep in the hotel because they kept on playing loud music under the players hotel when they were in Algeria then when Algerians came to Egypt they started hitting the driver that is taking the Algerian players and they destroyed the the bus and as the end they said it egyption people how made that! then when we went to Sudan after the match they got knifes and they told people we are going to kill u and the started hitting them and even when they saw Egyptian women they took off there jeans. this was very dangerous that the airport said to the Egyptian people to go soon as poseble to the airport and there will be 8 planes and they will let them in without tickets also to acts from egypt we injured because of the Algerian people! and we still didn't do any thing and also algerian people in the whole world stated distroying and burning all the egyption shop!why are they doning all of that althought both of us have that same culture and every thing!THIS IS FOOTBALL!omg they aren't civilized at all!but i wish that you don't think that i am saying that because i am Egyptian!but we Egyptian love our country and we wouldn't be happy seeing people say that we are doing something that we didn't!
    mj.nevadomski said...
    Nuts. Who will lead the madmen?

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