is how my AS-Level politics teacher described me with dismay as he wrote my dismal attendance on my mid-term monitoring, referring to trips to Barcelona, Iceland, France and New York. Incredibly fortunate as I have been to travel in my 21 years, the next couple of weeks are going to be the fullest embodiment of this title. Yesterday (I think) I left Alexandria on the airport bus at 12.00 noon, arriving at Cairo airport at 17.00. My flight from Cairo to Dubai was delayed, meaning I didn’t get in until 01.00 local time, before spending a tortured night in Dubai airport and flying out at 08.00 the next morning, arriving in Karachi at 11.00 local. On Wednesday I make the quick hop up to Lahore before returning here on Friday, where I have another week before I shoot back to Cairo. Via Dubai. Two days later I jump on what I suspect will be the longest flight of my life thus far as I go all trans-Atlantic on a 12 hour monster journey to New York, getting to spend a full 3hours in the living nightmare that is JFK before spending another 5 hours on the flight to Phoenix. Then I drive 2 hours down to Tucson for two weeks, before reversing the journey to leave me in Cairo on the 23rd April. Then I’d better get back to Alex before Madame Magda personally hunts me down. And I’m excited about every second.

Last night in Dubai airport was crazy, the place is full, busy and open 24 hours a day. Looking out over the massive duty free mall bustling with people at 5am is inconceivably disorientating, I’d never seen anything like it. Full marks to Emirates though; a thoroughly pleasant flight from Cairo was followed by an extended nap on the flight to Karachi. Sleep was much needed.

I’m writing from Michael’s airy and spacious apartment in the Karachi district of Defence, a pretty, leafy and affluent part of town. Today has been my first taste of Pakistani life, and I have to admit to being thoroughly impressed. I’ve just been given quick tour around a few shopping places to get food, as it seems Michael has eaten himself out of house and home, stopping at a few bookshops, cafés and DVD retailers on the way. The heat is fairly energy sapping so constant refuels are a must, and tonight I get to go for my first proper curry for ages. I can’t wait. I’m completely exhausted though, hence the slight incoherence in my thoughts. Mmm curry.

All for now, I’ll try and update with some photos soonish!

Happy Easter!



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